Finance And Planning Committee HU Sanctions 82 Million Rupees For Battagram Sub Campus

Finance and Planning committee HU sanctions 82 million rupees for Battagram sub campus

MANSEHRA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Finance and Planning committee of Hazra University (HU) Friday sanctioned a substantial amount of Rs. 82 million grants for the university’s Sub-Campus in Battagram.

This announcement was made during a meeting held at the university’s main campus in Mansehra, attended by campus coordinator Dr. Tariq Khan and other key stakeholders.

The approval of this grant is largely attributed to the relentless efforts of Dr. Tariq Khan, who has been a advocate for the advancement and enhancement of the Battagram sub-campus.

His dedication to improving the educational landscape in the region has been widely recognized and appreciated.

With the newly secured funds, Hazara University Battagram is set to introduce a range of new departments and academic programs.

These will include Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT), Pharmacy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Forestry, among others.

The introduction of these programs is aimed at providing local students with enhanced educational opportunities right within their community, reducing the need to travel to distant locations for higher education.

During the meeting, Dr. Tariq Khan acknowledged the challenges faced in enhancing the university campus but credited the local community’s support for making this achievement possible.

He expressed his determination to continue his efforts and extended his gratitude to the Hazara University administration and the people of Battagram for their unwavering trust and support.