Free Medical Camp Organized To Provides Health Services To Patients In Matiari


Free medical camp organized to provides health services to patients in Matiari

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) A one-day free medical camp was organized on Thursday at UC Jeeandal Kot in collaboration with Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS) and District Health Department Matiari.

Medical camp provides free medical services to 860 people, which included general check-up, dental treatment, plastic surgery, gynecology, peds, gastro, eye, neuro, cardio and other diseases treatment facilities.

The District Council Chairman Makhdoom Ahmed Zaman visited the camp at Village Rawat Hajano, UC Jeeandal Kot and praised the efforts of the medical team led by District Health Officer (DHO) Matiari Dr. Pir Ghulam Hussain.

Screenings were also conducted for hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis B and C, malaria, dengue and HIV, while tests such as RBS, HBA1C, cholesterol, and ultrasound were performed, and patients with complex cases were referred to main hospitals for further treatment.

The medical team included renowned doctors Professor Dr. Arshad Hussain Abro, Dr. Roshan Chandio, Prof. Arsalan somro, Prof. Pir Asad Aziz, Prof. Akram Bajwa, Asst. Prof Adil Chang, Dr. Mohsin and Dr parvez provided quality healthcare facilities to the patients.

On this occasion, DHO Pir Ghulam Hussain said that the medical camp was organized successfully with the dedication and hard work of the medical staff and volunteers.

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