Gas Tanker Falls Into Deep Ravine AJK

Gas tanker falls into deep ravine AJK

MIRPUR (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2022 ) : Aug 07 (APP) ::An empty gas tanker skidded off the highway and fell into deep ravine at top mountainous site of Lohaar Galli near the AJK's capital city of Muzaffarabad, reports landing APP's Mirpur desk on Sunday said.

The accident occurred at the Muzaffarabad-Abbottabad highway which was remained closed by the AJK Highways Department for last five days due to land siding near Lohaar Galli.

The vehicular traffic on the road was, however, restored on Sunday.

The tanker driver miraculously remained unhurt despite the ill-fated tanker rolled down to thousands feet deep ditch, authorities told APP when contacted late Sunday.

Hectic attempts were underway to lift out the severely damaged wreckage of the tanker from the ravine till last reports came in.

The traffic on the highway was later suspended again for several hours, the reports said.