Governor Expresses Sorrow On Major Babar Khan Martyrdom In Zhob’s Sambaza


Governor expresses sorrow on Major Babar Khan martyrdom in Zhob’s Sambaza

Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel expressed deep grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of Major Babar Khan during the security forces were conducting operation against terrorists in Sambaza area of Zhob

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel expressed deep grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of Major Babar Khan during the security forces were conducting operation against terrorists in Sambaza area of Zhob.

Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel on Wednesday expressed his deep grief over the martyrdom of Major Babar Khan during an operation against terrorists by the security forces in Sambaza area of Zhob.

He said that it was our responsibility to protect the life and property of the country and the people by establishing sustainable peace and order, strong foundations could be provided to the economy and politics.

He urged the law enforcement agencies to take concrete steps for the complete elimination of all types of terrorism and extremism. Governor also prayed for the forgiveness of Major Babar Khan who was martyred in the operation and extended sympathy and solidarity with his family.
