Govt. Committed Stability And Economic Growth


Govt. committed stability and economic growth

Federal Minister for Petroleum Musadik Malik said on Friday that government was up to stability, infrastructure development and economic growth

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Federal Minister for Petroleum Musadik Malik said on Friday that government was up to stability, infrastructure development and economic growth.

Talking to a private news channel, he said the government's strategy of diversification and inviting private sector participation, both domestically and internationally.

"We invite the private sectors of foreign countries to participate in building critical infrastructure to unlock Pakistan's assets and wealth potential," he stated.

He particularly stressed the importance of private sector engagement in the food and agriculture sectors.

Investments in downstream activities such as food processing and value-added industries, including fruit, juice, cheese, and meat production for international markets were our focus, he added.

The minister also reaffirmed the government's dedication to ensuring sustainable energy solutions and addressing the challenges faced by the impoverished segments of society.

Malik called for political unity, urging all political parties to engage in dialogue to address the nation's issues and move forward from past conflicts.

"It is crucial for political parties to come together and work towards the common goal of national progress," he added.