Heatwave; Public Advised To Consume Homemade Drinks

Heatwave; public advised to consume homemade drinks

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Health expert Sunday advised infants, pregnant women, people working outdoors, patients with mental illness, heart disease or high blood pressure for taking precautions and to consume homemade drinks like lemon water, buttermilk and lassi to counter heatwave illnesses as scorching summer winds intensifying across the country.

Talking to ptv news channel, Associate Prof Public Health Dr Ahmad Abdullah emphasized the importance of taking precautions to avoid heatwave-related illnesses.

To combat the heat stress, the health authorities have already advised people to remain vigilant and increase their water intake, he added.

“The number of heat-related medical cases has been increasing recently,” he said, adding, to stay protected from heat-related illnesses, especially during the hottest months of the year, people must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

“Drink even if you don't feel thirsty,” he advised. “People must avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day.

It is important for everyone to be aware of and recognize the early symptoms of heat-related illnesses, said Dr Ahmad.

Replying a question, he said that people having outdoor jobs should more prone to health-related issues and even young children and old age people with chronic medical problems are easily prone to heat-related health issues.

To another question, he said all deputy commissioners were instructed to establish heat stroke centres at public places to facilitate immediate medical assistance.

Health expert underscored the need for creating public awareness on protection against heat stroke. People, they said, should avoid direct exposure to sunlight, especially between 12 noon and 4pm, cover their head and increase water intake.

Keep your living spaces well-ventilated and use fans or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, he said, adding, close curtains or blinds during the hottest part of the day to block out direct sunlight.