Lahore Police Arrested Culprits Involved In Rs 15 M Theft

Lahore police arrested culprits involved in Rs 15 m theft

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Nov, 2022 ) :Lahore police arrested the accused involved in Ravi Road fruit-market theft incident worth Rs 15 million rupees, police reported on Saturday.

According to media reports, the theft incident took place in Shahzad's shop last day, Iftikhar, the plaintiff's brother-in-law, and Wilayat Ali and Nadeem, former employees of the shop, involved in the theft, were arrested.

According to the police, the thieves broke the locks of the shop with the help of gas cylinder cutters and escaped after stealing cash.

SP City Investigation Usman Tipu said that the accused have confessed the crime and the stolen money was recovered from their possession.