LGH Urges Health Professionals To Stay Alert For Heat Stroke Cases

LGH urges health professionals to stay alert for heat stroke cases

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The Lahore General Hospital (LGH) administration has issued a directive for health professionals to remain on high alert to treat individuals affected by the ongoing extreme weather and heat stroke. According to the policy of the Punjab government, all medical facilities will be provided free of cost at LGH.

In a joint statement released on Friday, Post Graduate Medical Institute/LGH Principal Professor Al-Fareed Zafar emphasised that global warming and rising pollution levels have led to an increase in heat stroke incidents. He highlighted that as temperatures soar, the body’s internal systems can be severely impacted.

Assistant Professor of Medicine Dr. Muhammad Maqsood detailed the symptoms of heat stroke, which include dry skin, confusion, difficulty walking, vomiting, unusual or inappropriate behavior, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, unconsciousness, and seizures.

Early common symptoms also include muscle stiffness, lack of sweating despite extreme heat, excessive fatigue, and nausea. Dr. Maqsood advised seeking immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms appear.

Gynecologist Dr. Laila Shafiq recommended several precautionary measures to avoid heat stroke during extreme weather conditions. She advised against going out in hot weather, but if necessary, to cover the head with a wet cloth or towel, and avoid dark-colored clothing, especially black. She also suggested increasing the intake of liquids such as lassi and yogurt, drinking at least four liters of water daily, using Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) to combat salt deficiency, and using an umbrella for sun protection.

The LGH administration's proactive steps aim to mitigate the risks associated with extreme heat and ensure the well-being of the public during the ongoing heatwave.