Margalla Trail Patrol Launched To Ensure Hikers' Safety


Margalla Trail Patrol launched to ensure hikers' safety

In a bid to ensure the safety of hikers, especially foreigners, in Margalla Hills, the government has launched the Margalla Trail Patrol

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Apr, 2024) In a bid to ensure the safety of hikers, especially foreigners, in Margalla Hills, the government has launched the Margalla Trail Patrol.

In a post on X, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi made the announcement, saying that Margalla Trail Patrol will comprise trail bikes, horse patrols, and foot patrols, providing a comprehensive security cover for hikers, ptv news reported.

The move comes after the Wildlife Department confirmed the presence of five leopards in the area, leading to the closure of hiking trail 3.

The Interior Minister stated that the launch of the patrol is especially aimed at ensuring the safety of foreigners who frequent the trails.

"We want to promote tourism in the region and ensure that visitors have a safe and enjoyable experience," he said.

The civil administration has warned hikers to be cautious and avoid traveling alone in the area.

The launch of the Margalla Trail Patrol is part of the government's efforts to promote tourism and ensure public safety in the region.