MNSUA Orgainzes Int'l Conference On Bee Pollination, Conservation


MNSUA orgainzes int'l conference on Bee pollination, conservation

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) 4th International Conference on Bee Pollination and Conservation was organized by the Institute of Plant Protection at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture,(MNSUA).

Six keynote speakers from the USA, Brazil, Argentina and Australia, along with more than 30 researchers from over eight countries and 250 participants, attended the conference.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Shafqat Saeed, mentioned that keeping bees in South Punjab was a challenge due to problems caused by excessive pesticide use in cotton crops and heat. This problem has been mitigated by changing the design of beehives.

Additionally, bees can be protected by using environmentally friendly insecticides. He emphasized that, apart from social bees, solitary bees also play an important role in pollination. The conference also included a photo salon competition and a live poster-making competition.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Director of the Institute of Plant Protection, Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq, stated that the purpose of the conference was to promote modern research on beneficial bees worldwide.

This conference has been organized for the past four years in connection with World Bee Day, indicating that the institute is serious about bee conservation efforts.