PMC's Academic Board Approves MDCAT Examination Syllabus

PMC's academic board approves MDCAT examination syllabus

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Nov, 2020 ) :The National Medical and Dental Academic Board of Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) has approved syllabus and question paper for upcoming Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) examination to be held on November 29.

According to PMC, the decision was made in a meeting of PMC's National Medical and Dental Academic Board which was held here to decide the academic and accreditation standards of medical education in Pakistan with focus on MDCAT examination.

The Board reviewed the F.S.C syllabi of each province and Federal board, subsequently comparing the topics, which culminated into the compilation of common topics from such syllabi for inclusion in the MDCAT syllabus.

These resulting topics were then finalized as the common topics constituting the MDCAT examination. The board compared and reviewed the final syllabus, which had been prepared previously as a consequence of the work done by the Paper Setting Committee and the Council, to the common topics list assembled.

The Board also reviewed the weightage given to different subjects in the past entry test examinations and agreed that the same weightage should be followed to ensure that this year's MDCAT aspirants are not put under any additional difficulty.

It was therefore determined that the entire MDCAT examination would consist of 200 multiple choice questions included 80 questions of Biology, 60 questions of Chemistry, 40 questions of Physics and 20 questions of English.

The board agreed that the previously announced syllabus successfully meets the standards necessary to conduct the upcoming MDCAT examination by fulfilling the quintessential need for there to be a common syllabus which does not discriminateor alienate MDCAT aspirants from any province.