Rally Held To Mark Int'l Anti-corruption Day

Rally held to mark int'l anti-corruption day

On the occasion of international anti-corruption day, a public awareness rally was organized by the anti-corruption department Hyderabad from shahbaz building to the office of the postmaster general

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Dec, 2023) On the occasion of international anti-corruption day, a public awareness rally was organized by the anti-corruption department Hyderabad from shahbaz building to the office of the postmaster general.

The rally was attended by various government officials, employees, representatives from civil society, different non-governmental organizations and members of the media.

At the culmination of the rally, participants expressed that corruption is like a cancer that openly hollow the nation, its institutions, and society.

It was emphasized that it is crucial for every government institution to be free from corruption. The Participants said corruption is a hurdle in progress of country and also stressed upon the need for a corruption-free society to foster growth.

They said for the elimination of corruption, every government department, public, especially media persons have to play their role.