Robber Gang Busted, Looted Valuables Recovered

Robber gang busted, looted valuables recovered

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Jun, 2023 ) :Mumtazabad police have busted a robber gang and arrested three members of the gang besides recovering looted valuables from their possession during a special operation launched here on Saturday.

According to a police spokesman, As per instructions of the City Police Officer (CPO) Mansoor-Ul-Haq Rana regarding stern action against criminals involved in dacoity, robbery, and theft cases, the Mumtazbad police under the supervision of Station House Officer (SHO) Nasir Ali Tabbasum launched a special action against criminals.

The police team busted notorious Siraj alias Siraja gang and arrested three members including the ring leader Siraj Shakoor, Hassan Mushtaq and Rawal Mushtaq.

The police traced 11 robbery and theft cases from the arrested criminals and recovered looted and stolen valuables worth Rs 150,000 and weapons from their possession.

Further investigations were underway and more recoveries were expected, the spokesman added.

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