SFERP Team Visits Water Supply Schemes In Mirpurkhas District


SFERP team visits Water Supply schemes in Mirpurkhas district

Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project (SFERP) team, currently visited different water supply schemes in Mirpurkhas district and reviewed the pace of rehabilitation and assess its quality of work

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project (SFERP) team, currently visited different water supply schemes in Mirpurkhas district and reviewed the pace of rehabilitation and assess its quality of work.

According to statement issued by the SFERP, all schemes in Mirpurkhas would be rehabilitated in the month of May while the timeline for completion of schemes was December 2024.

All water supply schemes to be rehabilitated under Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project, at the time of its completion and these would provide safe drinking water to the locals through the installation of hypo chlorinator equipment

keeping in view the health requirements of local population.

The water supply scheme at village Diyal Garh, Distt Mirpurkhas, has been made fully functional and water for daily use is being provide to the residents of village. Both the water reservoirs were rehabilitated by removing silt from storage ponds and plastered and mechanically updated, statement added.

A solar system has also been installed to ensure the uninterrupted water supply to the residents of village Diyal Garh. Both water reservoirs have a capacity of almost half a million gallons per day.

The water supply scheme at village Wagar ji has also been rehabilitated as both the water reservoirs are now in a working condition.

The scheme had become non functional due to silting of reservoirs during floods and local population was facing a lot of difficulty in getting water for daily use from other sources.

The water supply scheme at village Ghulam Mohammad Leghari at District Mirpurkhas is almost complete as well with a storage capacity of 0.625 million gallons and would provide water to both Jiskani and Leghari villages with a population of 8500 and would be fully functional in a fortnight's time. The scheme had become almost dysfunctional due to silting of both reservoirs during previous floods.

Another scheme being rehabilitated in Mirpurkhas is at village Mohammad Ali Halepoto where out of two water reservoirs one is fully rehabilitated while other is in the process of completion.

The said scheme had become dysfunctional as water reservoirs had been totally filled with silt. The scheme has been restored with desilting of reservoirs, plastering the walls and bed of the reservoir and a new solar system has been installed to keep the system operational round the clock.

Rajpoot Kot water supply scheme will provide one million gallons of water per day to village Muhajir Goth for which four inches HDPE water supply pipe line from water storage to village has been laid. Its reservoirs have been rehabilitated fully to supply water for daily use.