Warning Against Illegal Decanting, Sale Of Loose Petrol, Fireworks


Warning against illegal decanting, sale of loose petrol, fireworks

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The Civil Defence Department has warned people to avoid illegal business of decanting, selling loose petrol, and fireworks; otherwise, cases will be registered against them besides imposition of fine.

Civil Defence Officer Muhammad Abbas said here on Friday that strict checking was being made against violators across the district and heavy fines were being imposed in addition to registering criminal cases and confiscating their machinery.

He said that the raiding teams took action against the elements involved in illegal practice of decanting in Muhammadi Chowk Warisura, Bilal Road, Peoples Colony, Tariqabad, Rajbah Road and sealed six shops on Friday. The machinery and equipment were also confiscated, challans against two shopkeepers were submitted in a court of law.