Ex-German Cybersecurity Chief Offered New Role After Wrongful Dismissal - Reports


Ex-German Cybersecurity Chief Offered New Role After Wrongful Dismissal - Reports

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 27th November, 2022) Arne Schoenbohm, formerly a top official for national cybersecurity at the German Interior Ministry, was offered a new ministerial role after an inquiry failed to prove his ties to Russia.

The president of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) was dismissed in October after media claimed he had been spying for Russia. A closer scrutiny did not confirm the rumors, the Bild daily reported.

Schoenbohm will reportedly rejoin the ministry in December and formally take up a new role at the Federal academy of Public Administration, the government's central institution for further training, from January 2023.

The German daily interpreted Schoenbohm's transfer as Interior Minister Nancy Faeser waving a flag of surrender after the security expert went to an administrative court in a bid to win his job back. The court found no evidence of wrongdoing.