Minister Salik To Perform Umrah, Visit Pakistan Hajj Mission

Minister Salik to perform Umrah, visit Pakistan Hajj Mission

MAKKAH AL-MUKKARRAMAH, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhry Salik Hussain on Sunday arrived here after reviewing Hajj arrangements made by the Pakistan Hajj Mission in Madinah for Pakistani pilgrims.

He is scheduled to perform Umrah and visit the Pakistan Hajj Mission here to inspect the overall ongoing Hajj operation.

According to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the minister will also visit Saudi authorities, catering companies and the residences of the Hujjaj.

The spokesperson added that so far, 22,696 Pakistani Hajj pilgrims have arrived in Madinah through 93 flights.

With the assistance of Saudi authorities, he said more than 11,000 pilgrims have completed their visit to Riazul Jannah.

Around 34,316 Pakistanis will reach Madinah by May 24 through 146 flights. From May 24 to June 09, as many as 114 flights will be operating to airlift 34,422 Pakistanis from major cities to Jeddah.

This year, 179,210 Pakistanis will perform Hajj, out of which 89,605 each will be arriving in the sacred places of Madinah al-Munawwarah and Makkah al Mukarramah under the government and private schemes.