Rapidus 'last Opportunity' To Put Japan Back On Global Chip Map


Rapidus 'last opportunity' to put Japan back on global chip map

Tokyo, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Japan's Rapidus project that brings together some of the world's biggest companies is the "last opportunity" to put the country's once-dominant semiconductor sector back on the global map, its chairman warned.

And, while the company has the financial firepower of the government behind it, Tetsuro Higashi told AFP in an interview that he was under illusions about the challenges ahead.

"The entire world is becoming digitised. It is becoming crucially important for Japan to build a very strong digital technology industry," said Higashi, an industry veteran and ex-president of Tokyo Electron, a major producer of tools to make chips.

"Japan is more than a decade behind others. It will require enormous money just to catch up."

Tokyo has promised up to four trillion Yen ($25.7 billion) in subsidies to help triple sales of domestically produced chips to more than 15 trillion yen by 2030.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which makes half the world's chips, has already benefitted, with the giant opening a new fabrication plant in Japan in February and planning a second.

The government has committed 920 billion yen to Rapidus, a joint venture involving Sony, Toyota, IBM and others, which is now building its fab in the Hokkaido region.

The aim is to mass-produce logic chips in Japan from 2027 using two-nanometre technology, the next frontier in chips containing an even more dizzying number of miniscule transistors.

TSMC and others are already racing to reach full production for their 2nm chips, which will be vital in powering the mooted revolution in artificial intelligence (AI).

But Higashi is confident that Rapidus can do it -- and makes no bones about what's at stake.

"This could be the last opportunity for Japan" to relaunch a competitive semiconductor-making industry, he said.