West-Funded Coup In Kiev In 2014 Caused Current Conflict In Ukraine - Shoigu

West-Funded Coup in Kiev in 2014 Caused Current Conflict in Ukraine - Shoigu

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 21st December, 2022) The 2014 coup in Kiev funded by the West that brought anti-Russian forces to power has caused the current conflict in Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.

"After the revelations of (ex-German Chancellor Angels) Merkel, (ex-Ukrainian President Petro) Poroshenko and other politicians about the true goals of the Minsk agreements, it became obvious to everyone that Russia was not the source of the conflict in Ukraine.

The reason is the coup d'etat in Kiev financed by the West in 2014, which brought anti-Russian forces to power and divided the fraternal peoples. This provoked an armed confrontation in Donbas," Shoigu said at a collegium meeting at the Defense Ministry.

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