Early Sowing Of Triple Gene Cotton Varieties Proving Beneficial, Says Dr. Haidar Karrar

Early sowing of triple gene cotton varieties proving beneficial, says Dr. Haidar Karrar

Deputy Secretary Agriculture (Technical) South Punjab Dr. Haidar Karrar imparted one-day training to officers and field staff of agriculture extension and pest warning departments here Friday on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) model for cotton and urged them to advocate early sowing of triple gene cotton varieties with guidance to farmers under IPM model to maximize production

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Feb, 2024) Deputy Secretary Agriculture (Technical) South Punjab Dr. Haidar Karrar imparted one-day training to officers and field staff of agriculture extension and pest warning departments here Friday on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) model for cotton and urged them to advocate early sowing of triple gene cotton varieties with guidance to farmers under IPM model to maximize production.

Rising tendency among farmers towards early sowing of cotton in Feb-March showed that it was proving beneficial and now it was officials’ responsibility to advocate sowing of triple gene varieties, equipped with resistance against pests and diseases, including CKC-5, CKC-1, Ghauri-2, CKC-6, and ICS-386, to increase production, said Dr. Haidar Karrar while addressing participants of one-day workshop at Cotton Research Institute Multan.

The workshop focused on training of officials to raise their level of knowledge on triple gene cotton varieties and their management so that they can be able to give appropriate advice to farmers.

The deputy secretary agriculture said that farmers must complete their early sowing of cotton by Mar 31 and apply anti-fungus pesticides to the seed before sowing to keep crop safe against pests and diseases during first 30-40 days of its early nourishment.

He said, farmers should sow only registered triple gene varieties having good germination strength and their fur is removed. He said that 4-5 kilogram seed of germination strength of over 75 per cent should be used per acre while the seed having 60 per cent plus germination strength should be sown at the rate of 5-6 kilogram per acre. He said, farmers should be advised to get the seeds’ germination strength tested before sowing to get desired number of plants per acre.

Farmers should also check the company label and certification tag on the seed bags before purchase.