Road Safety Seminar Held At NTUF


Road safety seminar held at NTUF

The National Textile University Faisalabad (NTUF), in collaboration with National Highways & Motorway Police, organised a road safety seminar to educate the university students and faculty members about traffic rules and regulations

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The National Textile University Faisalabad (NTUF), in collaboration with National Highways & Motorway Police, organised a road safety seminar to educate the university students and faculty members about traffic rules and regulations.

NTUF Rector Prof Dr Tanveer Hussain presided over the event while In-charge Road Safety Awareness Unit Muhammad Usman Shabbir delivered a lecture.

Sector Commander Motorway Police Qalab Abbas Sipra attended the event as chief guest while NTUF Registrar Salman Saif, Convener Road Safety Club Dr Farooq Jamal, Public Relation Officer Sardar Pervaiz Akhtar and others were also present in the seminar.