144 Drug Dealers Arrested During Last 24 Hours

144 drug dealers arrested during last 24 hours

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Police teams conducted 307 raids on hideouts of drug dealers across the province, 140 cases were registered and 144 accused were arrested during the last 24 hours.

The police recovered 54 kilograms of charas, 290-gram Ice and 1,683 litres of liquor from drug dealers.

A police spokesman said that 23,910 raids were conducted across the province since February 26, 11,137 FIRs were registered against the accused involved in drug-trafficking, and 11,860 accused were arrested. The police recovered 7,290-kg charas, 120-kg heroin, 250-kg opium, 37.290-kg Ice, and 142,549 litres of liquor from the accused.

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