AJK Govt Seeks Assistance For Completion Of Reconstruction And Rehabilitation Work In 2005 Earthquake-hit Zone

AJK Govt seeks assistance for completion of reconstruction and rehabilitation work in 2005 earthquake-hit zone

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that the AJK government has sought help from the government of Pakistan for the completion of remaining reconstruction work and the revival  of damaged infrastructure affected by the October 8, 2005, deadly earthquake that rocked the region to rubble

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that the AJK government has sought help from the government of Pakistan for the completion of remaining reconstruction work and the revival  of damaged infrastructure affected by the October 8, 2005, deadly earthquake that rocked the region to rubble.

He said this while commenting on a resolution that was presented in the AJK Legislative Assembly by AJK Minister for Power Development Organization Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, which met in the state metropolis on Friday. 

The AJK premier said that the government had formally written a letter to the Federal government in this regard. 

Pertinently, the Speaker has constituted a committee under the chairmanship of senior minister Col. Retired Waqar Ahmad Noor. 

The committee, comprised of cabinet ministers including Faisal Mumtaz Rathore, Dewan Ali Khan Chaghtai, Chaudhry Muhammad Rasheed, Khawaja Farooq Ahmed, and Sardar Hasan Ibrahim, has been entrusted with the task of taking up the matter with the federal government.

Taqdees Gilani said that the work on damaged hospitals had been delayed, and different schools were still functioning without roofs and other basic facilities. She also expressed her profound gratitude to the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the approval of the historic package for Azad Kashmir and his commitment regarding the pending liabilities.

Ms. Imtiaz Naseem sought early completion of a 22-kilometer road project in her home constituency, Bagh, which she said was launched by Col.

retired Naseem.

Law Minister Mian Abdul Waheed said that the mandate of the IRA should be handed over to the NDMA. Pir Mazhar Saeed said that the resolution presented by Chaudhry Mohammad Rasheed needs to be implemented without any further delay. 

Health Minister Nisar Ansar Abadli stressed the formation of another committee, which he said should be assigned the task of taking up the pending liabilities with the federal government. Opposition leader Khawaja Farooq Ahmed said that the federal government should provide the required funds to build the infrastructure affected by the earthquake.

Earlier, the Minister for Power Development Organization, Chaudhry Muhammad Rasheed, presented a resolution seeking financial assistance from the federal government for the completion of the quake-affected educational institutions and health centers.

He also praised the role and significant contribution the federal government, armed forces, Pakistani nation, international community, Muslim countries, and international institutions had played in the rescue, relief, reconstruction, and rehabilitation after the devastating earthquake

He said that under the supervision of the Government of Pakistan, the IRA had done remarkable work with the gracious support and cooperation of sponsors and donors. He, however, maintained that one-fourth of the reconstruction work was yet to be completed due to the non-provision of required funds.
