AKF Distributes Sewing Machines Among Deserving Women


AKF distributes sewing machines among deserving women

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Oct, 2021 ) :Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF) on Sunday distributed sewing machines among deserving and needy women.

Addressing the ceremony, Hamid Athar Malik, President Al-Khidmat Foundation Islamabad said that Al-Khidmat will continue to serve the needy and helpless people.

He said that skilled women were playing an important role in the development of the economy and expressed the hope that women would go to their respective areas and teach skills to more women so that other women could play their role in the development of Pakistan.

Secretary General Al-Khidmat Foundation Islamabad Altaf Sher said that Al-Khidmat was playing an important role in the development of the society by working in the fields of disaster management, orphanage, clean water, community services, education, microfinance and health.

Under the auspices of the Foundation, Vocational Centers are functioning in Chanol, Al-Farabi Nellore, Bhamlari Nellore, Jhangi Syedan, Sharifabad Ghauri Town and Balara Chara to impart skills to poor and needy girls.