Ashrafi Urges Pilgrims To Avoid Political Activities During Hajj

Ashrafi urges pilgrims to avoid political activities during Hajj

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Chairman of the Pakistan Ulema Council, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, has emphasized that Pakistani pilgrims should refrain from participating in any political activity during their pilgrimage.

Addressing a press conference at Jamia Manzoor-ul-Islamia Cantonment on Sunday, Ashrafi condemned the spread of fake news on social media for political gains, particularly regarding the recent Kyrgyzstan incident. He highlighted that thousands of Pakistanis have left for Hajj, with over 80,000 joining private groups and around 70,000 in official groups. He praised the Makkah program, which assists pilgrims with necessary supplies, and expressed gratitude to Saudi Arabia for facilitating this program.

He also mentioned that private groups, in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, are committed to addressing any complaints from pilgrims in Makkah promptly. The "Road to Makkah" initiative has ensured the efficient delivery of goods for millions of pilgrims, he added.

Ashrafi urged Pakistani pilgrims to adhere to Saudi regulations and stressed that performing Hajj without proper permission on a visit visa is not permissible. He noted that countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, with the support of Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Chief of Army Staff Hafiz Asim Munir, are investing in Pakistan despite its economic challenges.

He underscored the importance of political stability for economic progress and called on all political parties to unite for the country's betterment. He also condemned the misuse of social media for political point-scoring, highlighting false reports about serious incidents such as the Kyrgyzstan case and the Bahawalpur University allegations, which have been proven baseless.

The establishment of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) was praised as a positive step towards economic stability, but Ashrafi stressed that achieving this requires political unity and justice for all.