Commissioner Visits GSM Protection Dam


Commissioner visits GSM protection dam

Commissioner Shaheed Benazirabad Division Syed Muhammad Sajjad Haider today along with officials of the Irrigation Department visited the Indus River GSM protection dam along with other safety dams passing through the boundaries of Shaheed Benazirabad district

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Commissioner Shaheed Benazirabad Division Syed Muhammad Sajjad Haider today along with officials of the Irrigation Department visited the Indus River GSM protection dam along with other safety dams passing through the boundaries of Shaheed Benazirabad district.

Commissioner Syed Muhammad Sajjad Haider reviewed the management situation and directed the officials of the irrigation department to strengthen the protective dams of the Indus river passing through the boundaries of Shaheed Benazirabad district while keeping in view the probable rains.

The zamindari dams in the middle should also be removed so that the flow of water can be improved, while informing the commissioner on the SM protection dam, SE Irrigation Ghulam Mujtaba and Irrigation Dad Division Salman Afridi said that the After the big flood in 2010 the protective dam has been strengthened.

They further informed that taking into account the flow of the river and possible floods and rains, steps are being taken to strengthen the protective dam and eliminate the land tenure, while the people living in the slum areas are being taken.

The statistics of the people are also being collected.

On this occasion, Assistant Commissioner Skarand Ramiz Raja and other officials were present. Later, Commissioner Syed Muhammad Sajjad Haider visited the Taluka hospital Skarand and took stock of the treatment facilities provided to the patients.

During the visit, the refrigerator maintaining the cold chain of the vaccine was not at the right temperature, expressing anger and directed the hospital administration to correct the temperature of the refrigerator to maintain the cold chain of the vaccine, besides the OPD of the hospital. Better health facilities should be provided to incoming and admitted patients, he added.
