Crackdown Against Profiteers Launched In Paharpur Tehsil

Crackdown against profiteers launched in Paharpur Tehsil

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The district administration has launched a crackdown against profiteers in order to ensure availability of essential edible items at affordable prices.

In this regard, Assistant Commissioner Pharpur Tehsil Allah Noor has made a surprise visit to Panyala bazaar and checked prices and quality of various commodities at several shops.

During inspection, he directed the shopkeepers to display the officially notified price list at their shops and sell items accordingly. The AC also imposed fines on violators.

He said the administration was committed to taking all possible measures to extend relief to citizens and in this regard no violation could be tolerated.

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