DC Directs Health Officers To Provide Maximum Facilities To Patients


DC directs health officers to provide maximum facilities to patients

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC), Sukkur, Dr MB Dharejo on Thursday urged the doctors that they should play their role to provide health facilities to patients in government hospital.

Presiding over a meeting at his office, he said that all the doctors and other staff should consider it a sacred duty and be busy in fulfilling their official duties.

He also emphasized to all the doctors that the first priority of the government is to provide free medicines and medical facilities to the poor people in government hospitals and other health centers so that these measures of the government.

He directed that sufficient paramedics staff should be posted in the heatwave relief centres.

He strictly directed doctors to provide health facilities to patients in theses centers.

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