DC Islamabad Directs Operations Against Societal Issues


DC Islamabad directs operations against societal Issues

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Aug, 2023 ) :Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, Irfan Nawaz Memon on Friday issued a decisive directive to Assistant Commissioners for curbing various societal issues in their respective jurisdictions.

These officials have been entrusted with the task of orchestrating rigorous operations to curb price gouging, dismantle encroachments and address the plight of professional beggars within their respective jurisdictions.

Under the watchful eye of the ICT spokesperson, the Assistant Commissioners embarked on an extensive inspection of 105 locations to combat the menace of price hikes.

This resulted in the imposition of fines amounting to Rs. 26,000 on errant businesses, while stringent measures led to the closure of one establishment.

Moreover, displaying an unwavering commitment to societal welfare, authorities took 30 professional beggars into custody, subsequently transferring them to police custody.

The crackdown against encroachments exhibited no leniency, as five individuals were apprehended and handed over to law enforcement for violating public space.

The operation, carried out in tandem with efforts to tackle inflation, also yielded the confiscation of over 6 kilograms of environmentally hazardous polythene bags.

The purview of these commendable efforts extended to addressing irregularities in business practices as well, with illegal petrol filling agencies and an unauthorized LPG filling station facing the full brunt of legal action.

It is worth noting that the battle against encroachments, price gouging, and professional begging continues unabated, reaffirming the authorities' steadfast commitment to fostering a more just and equitable society.