Dr. Fai's Vision For Kashmir Echoes At UAJK Faculty Meetup

Dr. Fai's Vision for Kashmir echoes at UAJK faculty Meetup

MUZAFFARABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Renowned Kashmiri leader, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General of the World Kashmir Awareness Forum based in Washington visited the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJK) on Thursday to engage in a dynamic Faculty Meetup centered on the Kashmir Conflict.

The event, held at City Campus on Thursday, brought together senior faculty members, department heads, and honored guests to deepen understanding and explore pathways for resolution concerning one of the most enduring conflicts in the world, said a press release.

The presence of Dr. Fai, renowned for his tireless advocacy for the rights of the Kashmiri people, infused the discussion with invaluable insights garnered from years of experience.

Dr. Fai emphasized the indispensable role of rigorous research in shaping global perceptions of the Kashmir Conflict, urging scholars to offer nuanced perspectives that reflect the ground realities experienced by the people of Kashmir.

The Faculty Meetup facilitated engaging dialogues led by Dr.

Fai, alongside esteemed figures such as Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi, Vice-Chancellor of UAJK, and Dr. Waleed Rasool. Dr. Fai's impassioned call for the creation of scholarly literature on Kashmir resonated deeply, inspiring a commitment from Prof. Dr. Abbasi to establish a dedicated Kashmir Center within the university and to launch a Journal on Kashmir Studies, further solidifying UAJK's dedication to fostering understanding and dialogue on this crucial issue.

Reflecting on the event, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi remarked, "Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai's visit has provided a unique opportunity for our faculty members to gain deeper insights into the complexities of the Kashmir Conflict.

His expertise has inspired us to redouble our efforts in promoting informed discourse and advancing scholarly research on this pressing issue." Dr. Abbasi added.

Dr. Waleed Rasool echoed these sentiments, underlining the importance of platforms like the Faculty Meetup in facilitating meaningful exchanges and fostering mutual understanding.