Drug Addicts To Be Made Useful Citizens Through Rehabilitation: Mashal Yousafzai


Drug addicts to be made useful citizens through rehabilitation: Mashal Yousafzai

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Advisor to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister on Zakat and Ushar, Social Welfare and Women Empowerment, Mashal Azam Yousafzai has announced that Peshawar would be made drug-free and measures would be taken to prevent begging and drug addiction.

In a statement issued here on Thursday, she said that efforts were underway to increase the capacity of Zamong Kor, a rehabilitation center, with the cooperation of international organizations.

She emphasized that drug addicts should be monitored for one year after rehabilitation to prevent them from relapsing into drug addiction.

The CM's Advisor stressed that addicts should be provided with various skills and training to make them useful citizens.

She also called for strict measures to prevent drug use in educational institutions.