Education, Health Sectors Govt's Priority: Chief Minister Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur

Education, Health sectors Govt's priority: Chief Minister Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur

Chief Minister Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur Tuesday directed the authorities to propose development schemes which could not be completed for years, and to keep the Annual Development Program (ADP) realistic keeping in view the financial position of the province further directing to propose such schemes for the new ADP which could benefit maximum population

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th May, 2024) Chief Minister Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur Tuesday directed the authorities to propose development schemes which could not be completed for years, and to keep the Annual Development Program (ADP) realistic keeping in view the financial position of the province further directing to propose such schemes for the new ADP which could benefit maximum population.

While chairing a second of meeting regarding the draft Annual Development Program 2024-25. The meeting, besides reviewing the progress so far made on the ongoing projects, discussed in detail the proposed projects of Health, Elementary and Secondary education and Agriculture Departments to be reflected in the upcoming ADP and proposed funds allocation for both the ongoing and new schemes of these departments.

The CM termed the Education and Health as priority sectors of his government and said that development funds would be allocated for these sectors on priority basis. Ali Amin Gandapur stressed the need to give special attention to the provision of basic amenities to the people of backward areas of the province including the merged districts.

He urged upon the authorities concerned to fix realistic time lines for the implementation of developmental schemes and ensure physical progress as per the given time lines; and made it clear that unnecessary delay in the implementation of developmental schemes shall not be tolerated.

The CM directed the high ups of health department to focus on the improvement of service delivery in the existing health facilities instead of going for constructing new buildings, and to strengthen the health service delivery units of far-flung areas so that basic facilities are ensured to the people of those areas at their door steps, and burden on the hospitals of urban areas is reduced.

Gandapur directed the health department to propose a project for the establishment of Command and Control Centre for an effective and centralized monitoring of service delivery in public sector hospitals of the province with the aim to improve service delivery to the desired level further directing the department to propose schemes for the establishment of Gamma Knife Radio surgery Centre to facilitate cancer patients of the province.

He also directed the department to propose initiatives for the treatment of Thalassemia and Hemophilia patients further directing to reflect the inclusion of Air Ambulance Service in the upcoming ADP so that the service could be started soon.

Regarding Agriculture Sector, the chair stressed the need of modern research to increase the per acre yield of agricultural products and directed the authorities concerned for necessary steps to this effect.

The chair also directed the high ups of agriculture department to propose schemes aiming at the promotion of olive and saffron cultivation in the suitable areas of the province adding that projects for the construction of small check dams also be proposed for efficient utilization of rain water.

With regard to Elementary and Secondary Education sector, the Chief Minister directed the concerned authorities to incorporate the provision of free school bags to school children in the existing project of free textbooks.

He also directed the high ups of Education department to ensure the availability of drinking water and washrooms in all the public sector schools of the province.

Besides provincial cabinet members Syed Qasim Ali Shah, Muhammad Sajjad Barakwal, Faisal Khan Tarakai and Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif, the meeting was attended by Additional Chief Secretary Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah, administrative secretaries and other high ups of the concerned departments.