Excise Dept Intensifies Drive Against Tax Defaulting Vehicles


Excise dept intensifies drive against tax defaulting vehicles

The Excise Department has intensified its campaign against unregistered and tax-defaulting vehicles on the instructions of Sindh's Senior Minister for Information, Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control, Sharjeel Inam Memon

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th May, 2024) The Excise Department has intensified its campaign against unregistered and tax-defaulting vehicles on the instructions of Sindh's Senior Minister for Information, Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control, Sharjeel Inam Memon,

During the campaign against unregistered and tax-defaulting vehicles, a total of 1105 vehicles were thoroughly checked in Karachi.

Documents belonging to 119 tax-defaulting vehicles were seized during the inspection, while the owners of 11 vehicles paid their taxes online on the spot.

The Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon praised the officers of the Excise Department for their effective implementation and urged them to expedite operations to achieve concrete results. He stated that the aim of the campaign is to ensure compliance with registration and tax requirements. The Sindh government aims to promote a culture of accountability and responsibility among vehicle owners.