Farmers Advised To Cultivate Sugarcane Crops In September

Farmers advised to cultivate sugarcane crops in September

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Aug, 2022 ) :The agriculture experts have advised growers to start sugarcane cultivation in September to get a bumper production as it is most suitable month for the maximum production.

A spokesman for the agriculture department said on Tuesday that growers should select fertile land for sugarcane cultivation.

They should use plough three to four times before cultivating the crop.

He said that distance between sugarcane rows should be at least 4 feet while seeds should be cultivated in 10 to 12 inch depth in the earth.

The farmers should use seed of approved varieties, including CPF-237, CPF-243, CPF-246, CPF-247, SHF-240, HSF-242, CP-77-400, CPF-249, CPF-252, CPF-253, CPSG-2525, SLSG-1283because these varieties not only had better disease resistance but also gave maximum production,he added.

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