Flags Of Pakistan, Azad Kashmir Hoisted In Dignified Ceremony At Kohala Bridge


Flags of Pakistan, Azad Kashmir hoisted in dignified ceremony at Kohala bridge

KOHALA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) In a dignified ceremony held at the entry point of Azad Kashmir Kohala, the flags of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir were proudly hoisted.

A smartly turned-out contingent of the Pakistan Army presented a salute and raised the national flags while national anthems were also played in the background.

Brigadier Salahuddin and Colonel Ahmed Khan were the chief guest of the flag hoisting ceremony.

Young leader of the Muslim Conference Raja Saqib Majeed, along with his team, participated in the flag hoisting and addressed public concerns while a large number of people from both Azad Kashmir and Hazara division participated in the ceremony.

This event comes in the wake of recent protests in Azad Kashmir regarding cheaper flour and electricity bills, during which there were reports of the flag being removed.

The Deputy Commissioner of Muzaffarabad and the administration clarified that the flag was taken down by the administration itself, promising to replace it with a new Pakistan and Azad Kashmir flag in a ceremonious manner.

Following through on this promise, the ceremony at the confluence of Circle Bakote district Abbottabad and Azad Kashmir in Kohala was held, demonstrating national and communal solidarity.

The local residents of Circle Bakote and Azad Kashmir sent a strong message to the nation's adversaries that no power in the world can separate the brothers of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.