Free Eye Camp Being Organized By Abbasi-Kalhora Tanzeem From Sunday

Free eye camp being organized by Abbasi-Kalhora Tanzeem from Sunday

A free two-day eye camp is being organized by the Abbasi-Kalhora Tanzeem Sindh in collaboration with the Society for the Prevention and Cure of Blindness Karachi, from December 04, 2022 to December 05 in Government Boys High School, Waleed, Larkana city

LARKANA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Dec, 2022 ) :A free two-day eye camp is being organized by the Abbasi-Kalhora Tanzeem Sindh in collaboration with the Society for the Prevention and Cure of Blindness Karachi, from December 04, 2022 to December 05 in Government Boys High school, Waleed, Larkana city.

A team of doctors of Karachi along-with paramedics will perform free surgical operations and eye treatments, besides free distributing of Lenses and medicines among deserving and needy patients. The camp will continue for two days.

Youth Abbasi-Kalhora Social Welfare Association Larkana district and Al-Abbas Scouts Open Group Larkana have extended also their cooperation in organizing the eye camp at Government Boys High School, Waleed, Larkana city.