Govt Working On Long Term Reform Policy For Much Neglected Energy Sector: Nadeem Babar

Govt working on long term reform policy for much neglected energy sector: Nadeem Babar

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Babar Friday said that the government was working on long term policy to bring reforms in petroleum and energy sectors which were neglected for the last twenty years

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Oct, 2020 ) :Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Babar Friday said that the government was working on long term policy to bring reforms in petroleum and energy sectors which were neglected for the last twenty years.

He said that the decision of bringing drastic change in these sectors was made in the wake of global climatic change.

In an exclusive talk at ptv programme, Nadeem Babar said that running the energy businesses through organizational changes and reduced regulatory role of the government in oil companies were the main features of the policy which aimed to create a competitive environment and provide incentives to consumers.

The government's 25 years most forward looking energy policy in the world also includes 'waste to energy' plan along with incentives for indigenous manufacturing of its equipments, he said.

To a question, he said that the new policy would replace the decades old regulations under which revamping of oil marketing companies was also under consideration. There are total of 8600 registered petrol pumps and 1500 illegal pumps in the country and in such circumstances, OGRA was facing difficulties in monitoring and controlling the oil marketing, he expressed.