NAVTTC, SED To Jointly Work To Impart Non Formal Education To Out-of-school Children

NAVTTC, SED to jointly work to impart non formal education to out-of-school children

Sindh Education Department and the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) on Thursday agreed to work together to impart non-formal education, skills and technical training to out-of-school children

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Sindh Education Department and the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) on Thursday agreed to work together to impart non-formal education, skills and technical training to out-of-school children.

NAVTTC chairperson Gulmina Bilal called on provincial Education Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah and informed him about technical training and skill education projects for the youth of Sindh. The minister was told that technical courses for out-of-school children will be initiated in government schools after school hours and NAVTTC with the support of private sector would hire trainers for this purpose. Gulmina informed that under the project regular pupils and out-of-school children will be assisted in getting technical training and skill education.

Sindh Education Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah said that technical training and skill education gained a very important place in the modern economy, due to the economic problems of the homes, children were left out of education. Sardar Shah said that in order to educate out-of-school children, the first thing to do was to create convenience and ease for them, while apart from traditional methods, it is important to give education and technical and vocational training to children.

Education Minister said that non-formal education will facilitate out-of-school children to get employment opportunities along with education. Shah said that in order to give technical and vocational training to children in Sindh, the curriculum of Mid Tech, Matric Tech and Intermediate Tech has also been arranged.

Chairperson NAVTTC Gulmina Bilal said that the ratio of out of school children and youth in the country is high at present, it is necessary to give technical training to the youth along with education. Gul Meena Bilal Ahmad added that one of the objectives of technical and vocational training is to keep children engaged in healthy activities, while children from economically weak families can play a useful role for their family. Gulmina Bilal said that NAVTTC will provide all possible support to the Education Department.