Pakistan, AJK Share Unbreakable Bond: Raja Farooq Haider


Pakistan, AJK share unbreakable bond: Raja Farooq Haider

BAKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) Former Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan Sunday said that the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir share an unbreakable bond, and any attempts to sow discord between them will fail.

Talking to the media in Bakot Sharif, Abbottabad, he emphasized that some miscreants, under the pretense of rights movements, have tried to spread negative propaganda driven by foreign agendas to create hatred between the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. However, the residents of Azad Kashmir recognize that they are united by an indissoluble bond through the Kalima Tayyiba, adding he said.

Haider underscored that the people of Circle Bakot, the mountainous region, Murree Hills, Galyat, and Azad Kashmir support each other in times of joy and sorrow.

"Both Pakistan and Kashmir are ours," he declared.

During his visit to Bakot Sharif, Haider paid respects at the shrine of Pir Mian Fakirullah Bakoti (RA) by offering Fateha. He was accompanied by Sajjada Nashin Bakot Sharif Pir Sahibzada Hussain Ahmed Bakoti, Chairman of the Village Council Bakot Sharif Hassam Jamshed Abbasi, Youth Councilor Bilal Firdous Abbasi, Umair Kayani, Arshad Sohail Khan, Sardar Sameer Hassan Kayani, and others.

Following this, Raja Farooq Haider visited the residence of the late Sardar Ilyas Abbasi, former member of the District Council Abbottabad. He offered condolences and Fateha with the family, including the sons of the late Ilyas Abbasi, Murad Ilyas Abbasi, Zeid Ilyas Abbasi, and other relatives.