PMA Condemns Attack On Pakistani Students In Bishkek


PMA condemns attack on Pakistani students in Bishkek

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) strongly condemned the recent attack on Pakistani citizens, especially medical students, in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. We express our grave concern over this incident and stand in solidarity with the victims and their families, said a press release issued by Hon. Secretary PMA Dr Abdul Ghafoor Shoro here Sunday.

"The PMA is deeply saddened to learn about the attack that resulted in injuries to several Pakistani medical students who were present in Bishkek. This senseless act of violence against innocent Pakistani medical students is unacceptable," the statement said.

The PMA demanded a thorough investigation into the incident and called upon the Kyrgyz authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of all Pakistani students, including medical students, residing in the country.

The Association urged the Government of Pakistan to take immediate steps to provide assistance and support to the victims and their families. It also called upon the international community to condemn this attack and work towards promoting peace and stability in the region. The PMA stands with the people of Pakistan, especially the medical community, and reiterates its commitment to the well-being and protection of all Pakistanis, both at home and abroad, the statement added.