Police Official Murder Accused Flees From ATC

Police official murder accused flees from ATC

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jan, 2021 ) :The accused in Police official murder case fled from the Anti-terrorism court after rejection of his pre-arrest bail.

The court of Raja Jawad Hassan Monday heard the case registered with Nellore police station.

Accused Raja Amir Zaman's bail application was rejected before arrest on which the accused managed to escape from the court premises.

It should be noted that the Chief Constable was shot dead by the accused during a police raid conducted last year to arrest the accused involved in 14 drug cases within Nellore police station area.

The case was registered against him. The accused Saffar Ali and Kodo have already been arrested while the accused Raja Amir Zaman had filed a pre arrest bail application which was rejected.