Polio Teams Bask In Support Of Islamabad's Top Officials

Polio teams bask in support of Islamabad's top officials

In a testament to the unwavering commitment to eradicating polio, Islamabad's top officials, including Deputy Commissioner Irfan Nawaz Memon, descended upon the field to lend their support to the ongoing polio vaccination drive

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Nov, 2023) In a testament to the unwavering commitment to eradicating polio, Islamabad's top officials, including Deputy Commissioner Irfan Nawaz Memon, descended upon the field to lend their support to the ongoing polio vaccination drive.

Under their guidance, Assistant Commissioners and Magistrates meticulously monitored the teams' progress, ensuring that every child in their respective subdivisions received the life-saving drops.

Their presence served as a beacon of hope, inspiring the polio workers who are tirelessly working to protect our communities from this debilitating disease.

Assistant Commissioner Rural Zukhruf Fida Malik and Assistant Commissioner Nellore, taking the lead in this crucial effort, ventured into the Inkaar NA, a community known for its reluctance to embrace vaccination.

With the unwavering support of the police, they met with residents, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding polio vaccination. Their efforts bore fruit as many parents, initially hesitant, agreed to have their children vaccinated.

This unwavering commitment to the polio eradication drive is a shining example of the synergy between Islamabad's leadership and its people.

It demonstrates that despite the challenges posed by certain pockets of resistance, the collective determination to protect our children from polio remains unshaken.