Renowned Artist Aslam Kamal Expresses Solidarity With Kashmiri Brethren


Renowned artist Aslam Kamal expresses solidarity with Kashmiri brethren

Renowned Calligraphist, novelist, poet and travel books writer Aslam Kamal Tuesday strongly condemned Indian forces atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) and expressed solidarity with Kashmiri brethren through his recent painting depicting the current wave of violence by Indian forces

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Oct, 2019 ) :Renowned Calligraphist, novelist, poet and travel books writer Aslam Kamal Tuesday strongly condemned Indian forces atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) and expressed solidarity with Kashmiri brethren through his recent painting depicting the current wave of violence by Indian forces.

A literary organization 'Zawiya' organized a special session with renowned artist here at Pakistan academy of Letters (PAL).

PAL Chairman Prof Dr Inamul Haq Javeid, Director General Prof Dr Ihsan Akbar, Dr Rashid Hamid, Mahboob Zafar and National Language Promotion Department (NLPD) Director General Iftikhar Arif also attended the session.

In his lecture Aslam Kamal said he was making efforts to highlight Indian atrocities against innocent people of the IoK through his painting and artwork.

He elaborated various aspects of painting highlighted the hardships after abrogation of Article 370 by the India's Modi government.

He said his painting highlighting hardships, human rights violations, curfew and restriction in the IoK.

He also spoke about the sacrifices and patriotism of people during 1965 war. He said his painting titled "India's moodi" depicting the human rights violations and situation in IoK.

In his remarks, National Language Promotion Department (NLPD) Director General Iftikhar Arif lauded the efforts of Aslam Kamal in highlighting Kashmir issue through his paintings and posters.

He said his art work would definitely create awareness about Kashmir dispute among young generation.

Earlier, PAL Chairman Prof Dr Inam ul Haq Javeid welcomed the writers and participants at PAL Conference Hall.

He paid glowing tribute to the contributions of Aslam Kamal in the field of art.

Aslam Kamal renowned calligraphist, novelist, poet and travel books writer spoke about his artwork on Kashmir.

He is also expert on Iqbal poetry and has worked as director program in Awan-e-Iqbal till 2009. More than twenty thousands book covers, he has designed which is a world record. His unique writing style of urdu is known as Khat-e-Kamal and is quite popular font for Urdu composers.

He is awarded Presidential Award for Pride of Performance, Gold Medal by Punjab University Culture Society, Best Illustrate of books Award, Best Dust-Cover Designer Award.

His paintings are exhibited in different exhibitions in Swedon, Denmark, Germany, England, Malaysia, Canada and Mauritius.