RPO Inquires After Health Of Injured Policeman At DHQ

RPO inquires after health of injured policeman at DHQ

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Regional Police Officer (RPO) Nasir Mehmood Satti Wednesday visited the District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) Dera and inquired after the health of police constable, who was injured in a firing attack in Kirri Kot area of South Waziristan (Lower) when he was returning from his duty in City police station of Wana.

The RPO presented a bouquet to injured constable Muhammad Nawaz and got briefed by the on-duty doctors about the medical facilities being given to him. He asked the hospital administration to ensure provision of best treatment facilities to the injured policeman.

Speaking on this occasion, the RPO said “the determination, courage and high morale of policemen is a valuable asset of the police force.” The anti-social elements could never bring down the morale of police force, he added.

the RPO also met with the family members of the injured constable and assured them that best treatment facility would be provided to him. The perpetrators of this attack would be brought to justice soon, he added.