SAPM Inaugurates Campaign Of Tree Plantation In Ziarat

SAPM inaugurates campaign of tree plantation in Ziarat

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Mar, 2021 ) :Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam on Thursday inaugurated a tree planting campaign by planting trees at Prospect Point Obishta Rest House despite he inspected Quaid-e-Azam Residency.

Secretary Forest Muhammad Siddique Mandokhel, Deputy Commissioner Waqar Khurshid Alam, Chief Conservator Abdul Jabbar, Amjad Rashid of Tarqi Foundation Forest Department Officers Ali Imran, Sharif Baloch, Abid Mahmood, Farooq Kakar Haseeb Kakar, District Chairman Zakat Saadullah Dotani, Abdul Sattar Kakar were also present.

n his address Amin Aslam said that forests and wildlife are our national heritage.

"Obviously, Green and Clean Pakistan is the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan," he said adding the Federal government was utilizing all its resources to grow forests.

He said trees have a positive impact on the environment and making the environment pleasant is the top priority adding measures were being taken to protect forests and wildlife and to expand Steps for the development of the district.

Malik Amin Aslam maintained that Ziarat district is a place of pilgrimage and the district of Ziarat is a center of tourism for which steps would be taken for the beauty and tourism of the area.

We will do our best to ensure the supply of gas to the people, he said, adding that planting trees is a Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), while every citizen should plant a tree and take part in the tree planting campaign.

He noted that the present government is taking all possible steps for the promotion of forests.

Secretary Forest Muhammad Siddique Mandokhel while addressing said that steps are being taken to modernize the forest department, trees are the ornament of the land, saying that we could make the country a paradise by planting trees.