SC Seeks Progress Report On Appointment Of VCs In Universities

SC seeks progress report on appointment of VCs in universities

The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday sought progress report from authorities regarding appointment of vice chancellors in public sector universities

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday sought progress report from authorities regarding appointment of vice chancellors in public sector universities.

The court also sought details of percentage of academic and non-academic staff in universities and directed the respondents to submit the details of vacant posts of controller examinations and director finance.

The top court asked the universities to present their budget report and tell how much money they were given by the government.

The court expressed annoyance with additional advocate general of Sindh province. Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa asked that whether the AAG was aware of rule 27-A regarding the assisting the court. The CJP said that the additional advocate general even didn’t know about the basic rules.

The CJP asked the AAG that from where he got his degree of law and whether he pleaded a case?

During the hearing, the lawyer of Khyber Pakhtukhwa adopted the stance that the process of appointments of vice chancellors in 19 universities of KPK was underway.

He said that the process delayed due to the refusal by acting government and stay orders of the high courts.

The lawyer said that three Names have been finalized for each university but it were not made public. The CJP asked that what was the enmity with public for keeping the names secret.

The chief justice remarked that these things were used to be kept secret just to fit favorite people on the slots. Petitioner’s lawyer Umar Gilani argued that there was over-staffing in the universities.

The chief justice remarked that see what happened with Pakistan International Airline as it was also overstaffed. Unfortunately every wrong acts are done with the connivance of bureaucracy, the CJP said.

Justice Isa remarked that the whole country would come on right track if the education sector is streamlined. The court also expressed wonder on the stay orders by Lahore and Peshawar high courts.

The top court also instructed the courts to early dispose of cases related to the appointments of VCs.