Traffic Police Abbottabad Takes Measures To Ensure Safety Amidst Weltering Heat


Traffic Police Abbottabad takes measures to ensure safety amidst weltering heat

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) In response to the scorching temperatures, the Traffic Police in Abbottabad has initiated a series of measures under the guidance of SSP Traffic Tariq Mahmood Khan aim to not only facilitate the public but also to enhance the welfare of the dedicated traffic personnel.

To combat the intense heat, umbrellas and cold drinks have been placed at all duty points for the traffic personnel. SSP Traffic emphasized that ensuring the comfort and well-being of the personnel serving duty in such conditions is of utmost importance.

Highlighting the selfless dedication of the traffic personnel, SSP Tariq Mahmood Khan urged the public to cooperate with them. He emphasized the importance of supporting these officers who tirelessly work under the scorching sun to ensure the public’s safety and to alleviate any potential difficulties.

The installation of umbrellas at all duty points serves the dual purpose of providing shade for the traffic officers and ensuring that they carry out their duties diligently without any negligence.

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