Tributes Paid To Martyr Constable

Tributes paid to martyr constable

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The police under the directive of CCPO Bilal Siddique Kamyana paid

tributes to the unmatched sacrifices of their martyrs.

In this regard, the policemen presented salute to the anniversary of martyr

constable Muhammad Afzal's grave on Thursday.

The police contingent paid homage at the martyr's grave, adorned it with a floral wreath

and prayed for the departed soul.

Constable Muhammad Afzal attained martyrdom during firing by miscreants

while serving at the Gajjarpura Police Station in 1994.

Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana, in his message on the anniversary of the

constable, said:" The police martyrs are our pride". The CCPO emphasized that the department

would never forget sacrifices of their martyrs.