Virtual Women Police Arrest Man Over Child Abuse

Virtual Women Police arrest man over child abuse

The Virtual Women Police Station has arrested a man for allegedly abusing children aged 8 and 9 years

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The Virtual Women Police Station has arrested a man for allegedly abusing children aged 8 and 9 years.

After receiving information on emergency helpline 15, the police rushed to the scene, took the accused into custody and registered a case against him.

Medical tests of children and the accused were conducted, which resulted in initiation of the legal action.

A spokesperson for Safe City said the Virtual Women Police Station was operational 24 hours a day to address all issues facing women, including harassment, domestic violence, forced marriages, and acid attacks. Women could contact the virtual police station by calling 15 in any emergency.

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