Death Toll From Gas Explosion In Moscow Region Rises To 7 - Emergencies


Death Toll From Gas Explosion in Moscow Region Rises to 7 - Emergencies

The death toll from a gas explosion in a residential building in the city of Noginsk, the Moscow Region, has risen to seven people after two more dead bodies were found under the rubble, a spokesperson of the Russian Emergencies Ministry told Sputnik on Thursday

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 09th September, 2021) The death toll from a gas explosion in a residential building in the city of Noginsk, the Moscow Region, has risen to seven people after two more dead bodies were found under the rubble, a spokesperson of the Russian Emergencies Ministry told Sputnik on Thursday.

"The bodies of two more victims were found," the spokesperson said, adding that the bodies will be recovered from the rubble after an investigation team completes its work.

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